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« FRESH CHERRY & TOASTED ALMOND TART | Main | Tune in tonight for the premiere of Top Chef: Miami! »



can I have a bowl with a side of angioplasty, please? looks amazing.


Beautiful dish...I have had this huge craving for chili lately..now I'm inspired. Great post!


YUM! I think you captured all of my favorite flavors in one dish! :)

Lynn D.

Wow, that is the way to make perfect poached eggs. Thanks so much for illustrating this method. This morning I made perfect poached eggs on buttered toast with a sliver of butter and splash of lemon juice when I broke the yolk--instant hollandaise! I've been reading some of your older posts; you've got some great recipes there and always seem to come up with the perfect food for the occasion.


The reason your egg whites fall apart- the eggs aren't fresh. Not that they're bad, but the older they are, the worse they are for poaching. On the flip side older eggs are better for hard boiling as the shells peel like a breeze. The younger the eggs the worse they are for hard boiling. Love the blog!

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