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The Boss

Nice one! Sounds great. Mung are what you get bean sprouts from--I used to grow bean sprouts as a kid. You soak them in water a bit, then put them in a cheesecloth-covered jar until they sprouted. You have to understand that A. I was young and B. Chinese cooking (as in won tons--yum!) was new to my mother, and growing sprouts seemed terribly interesting and exotic. This was in about 1976. I do remember snacking on the dried mung beans too--don't remember how good they were.

I also don't remember what my mother contrived to do with all the damn bean sprouts.


thank you very much for this recipe!! it tastes sooo delicious!! i made it for my mum. good work!


Thank you for this recipe, it's delicious. I tasted it before I added the coconut milk and I liked it even more that way. I will definitely be making it again.


I had to leave out the coconut milk. I used chili powder instead of the serranos. Great soup!


This is a great soup to cook for a friend right after she's given birth. I've made it for several so far. The mung beans are incredibly nourishing and restorative. Adding a little extra turmeric gives the soup even more rejuvinating effects and won't change the flavor.


Great recipe! I've made this several times now and everyone who's tried it loves it! My boyfriend asks me to make this all the time. Tastes so good!!!


Thanks for the recipe. I've made this twice. Once with coconut milk and the other without. It's so delish either way (although I prefer it without and my bf with). I love the mung beans b/c they're nourishing and easy on the digestive tract. Yummy!

Melanie Henderson-Lowe

Thank you for sharing this recipe -- I just whipped it up and think it's lovely -- I was heeding your advice re: not boiling the mung beans -- I got distracted scanning something for a friend, and they overcooked just a tiny bit, but definitely salvageable! Thank you again -- the pictures are very helpful for those who are just starting to cook!


this is an amazing recipe! it is very nourishing with the mung beans and spices... i have made mine without chicken and added butternut squash on one occasion and red curi squash on another-- with delicious results!! my roomate loves ot and has asked me to make it again! thanks so much!

Roz MacKey

This was delish! I eliminated tomatoes and cilantro and added Chili powder to replace the serranos, upped the coconut milk by 1/4 cup ... the results were fantastic!!

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This gets my vote especially because I am from the Caribbean where cooking veggies in coconut milk is quite popular.


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This is my first time making it and I love it. Spicy and I love the smell of each ingredient. I would definitely make it again.

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Perfect recipe. Like that dish. It would be nice to have it in dinner too. When you are tired too much it may add to taste and energy. I like the dish. Wonderful job. Will wait for another recipe.

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Absolutely amazing! (I made it without the coconut milk.) I was looking for a flavorful mung bean recipe that wasn't mushy. This one hits it dead-on. Probably the best soup I've ever made. It's flavorful, tangy, and delicious. :)

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Ohh, looks very tasty like big tasty :D


Delicious. However adding ghee will only make it more healthy, ghee is much healthier then canola oil.

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And mom picking beans at our Ohio home and the two of us sitting around the kitchen table stringing them up for the winter. I don't remember how they taste but I remember the good times associated with them.


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